Don't Rely On Your Homeowners Policy For Business Insurance
At NextGen, we help many small businesses. Helping small businesses often means helping home based businesses. When you have little or no employees, why spend a fortune on office space when your job probably allows you to work from home? Working from home is great; we encourage it! However, we are often met with objections on covering business contents because these home based business owners and consultants think their homeowners policy covers them for their business contents.

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Do I Need Insurance for My Home Based Business?
More people are working from home than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has changes the most businesses operate. If you run a small business out of your home you might be wondering if you need a business insurance policy.
You might be surprised to know that half of businesses in America are home-based. Whether you are a professional consultant, a dog walker, an Amazon Reseller or a cosmetic sales associate odds are good that you do not carry business insurance or believe you have coverage on your homeowners policy for your business.