The Rising Tide: Unraveling the Factors Behind Expensive Auto Insurance

Safeguarding Success: The Imperative Need for Cyber Liability Insurance in Small Businesses

Homeowners Insurance in California: Navigating Challenges and Charting a Course for Positive Change

2021 & 2022 Insurance Rates, What To Expect

Reporting COVID-19 Cases On Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Recently California Senate signed SB 1159 which confirms that an employee’s COVID-19 illness is an occupational injury and therefore eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if certain criteria is met.

25 Ways to Winterize Your Home and Car
Are you prepared for the winter months ahead? One of our preferred carriers, Capital Insurance Group (CIG), gets you ready to winterize your home or vacation home and auto with these helpful winterization tips.

What Is Hired and Non-owned Auto Liability?
Our business insurance clients and prospective clients often ask us, "What is hired and non-owned auto insurance?" Hired and non-owned auto liability insurance is an important coverage that can be confusing but is worth understanding. We will try to answer this common question as simply as possible below...

How Does SB 1159 Effect My Business?
COVID-19 has quickly changes how we do business. It is also changing how employers must report COVID-19 related health issues. SB 1159, signed by Governor Newsom, creates new reporting requirements for employers regarding COVID-19, effective September 17, 2020.

The Perils of Multitasking
Multitasking is usually considered a good thing. Many job listing will ask for and many applicants will claim to have multitasking abilities. When looking at your employees and operations, you should make clear what your definition of multitasking is. If they think multitasking is doing several things at once, you may have a big problem on your hands...

Don't Rely On Your Homeowners Policy For Business Insurance
At NextGen, we help many small businesses. Helping small businesses often means helping home based businesses. When you have little or no employees, why spend a fortune on office space when your job probably allows you to work from home? Working from home is great; we encourage it! However, we are often met with objections on covering business contents because these home based business owners and consultants think their homeowners policy covers them for their business contents.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance Basics
Employment Practices Liability Insurance, also referred to as EPL or EPLI is becoming more of a necessity for businesses rather than simply a nice coverage to have. A standard EPL policy protects business owners from claims by employees for discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, failure to promote and other employment-related issues.

13 Tips for a Safe Halloween

7 Simple Steps to Buying the Right Business Insurance
No one really likes the process of researching and buying business insurance. However utilizing some simple steps can make the process go faster and smoother! Here are seven simple steps to buying the right business insurance.

Disaster Planning for Your Business
Recent catastrophes, natural disasters, and pandemics serve as good reminders that businesses need disaster plans just as much as homes and families. In the midst of an earthquake, flood, fire or severe storm that causes irreparable damage, it's hard to think beyond "we've lost everything." But if you've carefully planned out what to do in a disaster, it doesn't have to mean a total loss...

Covid-19 Coverage Crisis

Mind Your D's and O's... Directors & Officers Insurance, Do You Need It?
Directors and Officers Insurance, also known as D&O liability insurance, protects directors and officers of for-profit or nonprofit companies from damages resulting from their wrongful acts or alleged acts they may have committed in their positions. The policy primarily provides protection in the event of any actual or alleged error, misstatement, omission, or breach of duty.

Can Business Owners Be Excluded From Workers Compensation Coverage
Certain business owners may elect to exclude themselves from workers' compensation insurance coverage. This applies to officers of a closely held corporation, general partners, and member-managers of limited liability companies. Sole proprietors are always excluded.

What Does Surplus Lines Insurance Really mean?

Workers’ Compensation Experience Modification 101
Workers' compensation insurance is a major expense for most businesses. If you're an established business, you probably already know about experience modifications (x-mods). Whether experienced or not, you should familiarize yourself with this important and potentially huge premium saving factor. Please spend a few minutes to read below about what an Experience Modification is and how it can save or cost you thousands of dollars every year.