How Does SB 1159 Effect My Business?
COVID-19 has quickly changes how we do business. It is also changing how employers must report COVID-19 related health issues. SB 1159, signed by Governor Newsom, creates new reporting requirements for employers regarding COVID-19, effective September 17, 2020.

Can Business Owners Be Excluded From Workers Compensation Coverage
Certain business owners may elect to exclude themselves from workers' compensation insurance coverage. This applies to officers of a closely held corporation, general partners, and member-managers of limited liability companies. Sole proprietors are always excluded.

Workers’ Compensation Experience Modification 101
Workers' compensation insurance is a major expense for most businesses. If you're an established business, you probably already know about experience modifications (x-mods). Whether experienced or not, you should familiarize yourself with this important and potentially huge premium saving factor. Please spend a few minutes to read below about what an Experience Modification is and how it can save or cost you thousands of dollars every year.