Catering is a tough business. Dealing with insurance should should not add to your plate…
Whether you just launched your catering company or are already bustling, insurance is critical to ensure you are covered for liability, property, workers’ compensation and other circumstances that may arise out of your daily operations. Many policies are required by contract such as signing a lease, vendor requirements, hiring employees, or closing a loan. At NextGen, we believe that understanding, securing, and maintaining insurance should be simple and we aim to accomplish that with you in mind. Contact us no matter what stage you are in to see how we can work together.
General & Liquor Liability.
Catering comes with unique liability exposures. General and Liquor Liability help protect your day to day operations.
Commercial Auto.
Whether you are starting with one van or have a fleet, you need commercial auto insurance to keep your business on the road.
Workers’ Compensation.
Workers’ Compensation insurance is required in most states and needed to protect you and your employees.
Liability Umbrella.
Many venues require more than the standard $1 million in coverage. An Umbrella will get you into to the places you want to work while adequately protecting your business.